
Aros Mascotte By Eric Schwartz

mercoledì 11 aprile 2012

30 days with Amiga Os 4.1 day 6

Let's Codebench! I think one of the best thing you can do with an amiga like platform is programming.
I'm nor a guru nor an exper, i'm a simple hobbist that has found new pleasure in programming with aros about two years ago, so i'm about a kid in this.
Now i put my hands on amiga os4.1 to see how it is:)
I looked in os4depot to look for some ide (integrated developmente environment) but i found nothing special.
I went on to cubic ide but it's too os3 minded, then i read about codebench.
Codebench is a free (at least for now) ide specifically made for os4 sdk.
I downloaded it and installed it.
I have to say i usually use shell, janoeditor and gcc and this is my ordinary rifle when i want to code something.
But i was impressed by codebench! It's a nice ide and i think the best ide under amiga like oses.
I used scintilla under morphos and amidevcpp for crosscompiling in windows but i didnt' like them too much.
Codebench use colour, code completion, code suggestion and syntax highlighting and this all for free.
Best of best of best it has a really easy setting panel where you can specifiy linker, compiler and other stuff parameters.
One clik and you can add files to project, one other click and you can run it, after an auto build.
Very Good!
When the ide is easy, coding it's a pleasure. If you have no other problems beyond the code you're writing, coding is relaxing.
If i can this evening i'll put some pictures online

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